It was such a blessing to have my family and friends in South Africa! There are so many wonderful stories and beautiful memories. Most of all I was surprised at how "normal" it felt to have my worlds collide.... A true foreshadowing of eternity, that beautiful one day when all the pieces of my life will no longer be floating across the globe but will fit together in an amazing tapestry that tells of God's glory, majesty and faithful Hand. Introducing my mom to my babies, reveling in the stories of their precious lives and how God saved, used and protected them. Singing "Brother Friend" 10,000 years from now with our kids at Refilwe, dancing once again with their brothers and sisters from the VBC team that they spent that one week with another lifetime ago. Remembering with joy and gratitude the week when God allowed our stories to cross paths and all that He birthed in our brief time together. Getting to introduce the kids to the people from California who sent clothes, treats, toys and love across the ocean proving once again that Jesus loves them. It's going to be good friends!
Here are a few pics from my last 4 weeks including time from when the team was here!
My big girl getting cuddles from Kristi the night they arrived
(Kristi is praying not succumbing to wild jet lag in this pic!)
FINALLY picking Tim up from the airport. Poor buddy got stuck in Atlanta for 4 days due to an unfortunate almost-too-full-passport situation... but he made it!
Parker loved playing in my car, Stanley... so wonderful to get to see his precious smile everyday for a whole week straight. We also got to have some wonderful middle of the night cuddles... oh the woners of the auntie joy that little man brings!!!
So wonderful having my precious friends in my home, loving on our little ones (and aunties, too)!
Parker making himself at home at lunch! He is such a brave little man... just like his Daddy!
He had such a blast exploring all the wonders of our property... chasing chickens and kittens, watching the monkeys and petting the donkeys. It was so fun to watch him explore Refilwe
Parker with the baby lion cubs!
Feeding the giraffe with Daniel
I loved getting so many daily hugs... a girl can never get too many hugs!
A cute baby giraffe... you know how I feel about babies... too cute!!!
Another fun thing from the last few weeks is that my dear friend, Lisa, got married!
It was such a perfect day... and she and Jason were beyond beautiful and happy. It was such an honor to bear witness to their poetic exchange of vows and thank God alongside their family for their new life together. Little did we know what God had in store for us and our lives 2 1/2 years ago when we both came to volunteer at Door of Hope as "short-term missionaries"... haha! God's ways are always better!
And then life goes on... stories with my big girl
Clinic trip with baby "L"... he is perfect and healthy and moving steadily towards his adoption!
Thank you for everyone who sent me love, notes, TOMS!, chocolate chips, tea, coffee and so many goodies for the babies and children here at Refilwe. So honored to be apart of your family.
Love you and miss you!
~ nicole and the babies at El Roi